Cone Beam CT

Our practice utilizes state-of-the-art, small-volume cone-beam CT (computed tomography) technology that provides highly accurate, 3-D radiographic images for the diagnosis, planning, and treatment of endodontic disease. This allows three-dimensional visualization of teeth, bone, sinuses, and surrounding structures with minimal radiation to the patient, enabling a level of anatomical accuracy and patient care not possible with 2-D technologies (regular dental x-rays). With the addition of cone-beam CT technology to our office, our practice is committed to providing innovative, high-quality, patient care.


SSP and SWEEPS® Endodontic Laser Treatment

Fotona’s SSP and SWEEPS® endodontic laser treatment successfully addresses a major disadvantage of classical chemo-mechanical treatment procedures: the inability to completely clean, debride and disinfect anatomically complex root canal systems. 

Fast, Effective, and Minimally Invasive Treatments with Two Complementary Laser Technologies

  • The SSP (Super Short Pulse) irrigation (also known as Photon-Induced Photo-acoustic Streaming) uses the Er: YAG laser to create non-thermal photoacoustic waves within the cleaning and debriding solutions introduced in the canal. Following this photoacoustic treatment, the canals and sub-canals are left clean, and the dentinal tubules are free of a smear layer.
  • The latest SWEEPS® (Shock Wave Enhanced Emission Photo-acoustic Streaming) Er: YAG laser modality additionally improves the irrigation and disinfecting efficacy of laser endodontics. By using synchronized pairs of ultra-short pulses, an accelerated collapse of laser-induced bubbles is achieved, leading to enhanced shockwave emission even inside the narrowest root canals.

Advantages of SSP and SWEEPS® Technologies